Storegate ID control

Storegate ID Check allows you to verify the identity of the person you are talking, chatting or emailing with. The service is an additional service that can be added to the same account (business only) that you already have. If you are the administrator of a multi-user account, you can assign the service to your sub-users in the user list.


  1. Internet connection
  2. Service added to your Storegate account
  3. A web browser

By logging in to Storegate and clicking on ID check in the left-hand menu, you can get started with the service. Choose between inviting identification via a personal link, SMS or email. When the recipient has received the link and scanned a mobile QR code and verified their BankID, you as an exhibitor will receive a verification that it is the right person you are in contact with.

Updated on 12 April, 2024
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