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  2. Backup
  3. Computer backup with Storegate Online Backup
  4. I deleted a file from my computer, will it disappear from my backup?

I deleted a file from my computer, will it disappear from my backup?

You can set whether you want the program to keep your deleted files in your backup. You can leave a deleted file on your computer in the backup forever, or have it deleted after a certain number of days.

(Note that different account types have different options for this setting.)

Do this on PC:
1: Öppna upp programmet Online Backup
2: Tryck på Inställningar
3: Tryck på Allmänt
4: Tryck i Automatisk rensning och välj hur många dagar ni vill spara.

Do this on MAC:
1: Öppna upp programmet Online Backup
2: Välj fliken ”Inställningar”.
3: Nu ser du ”Behåll borttagna filer”.
4: Ställ in hur länge du vill att filerna skall sparas.

Updated on 31 May, 2022
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