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  4. What is the difference between My Files, Shared Files and Computer Backup?

What is the difference between My Files, Shared Files and Computer Backup?

Computer Backup: is the area that Storegate Online Backup uses for backup. You cannot edit any files under this surface.

My files: my files is the part of your account you sync with your storage space if you use sync with us. My files is not a backup, but a synchronised folder. If you delete or add a file to the folder on your computer, it will also be added or removed from the cloud, so you have access to an identical folder to the one on your computer from all your devices.
You can upload files here via the website, via the Sync application and via our apps. In some accounts, you can also access this space with the Cloud Folder application.

Shared files: shared files have exactly the same properties as My files above. Shared files are only available in our Multi accounts and for this part the administrator can set permissions for sub-users.



Updated on 24 May, 2021
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