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  3. Users and list in Storegate
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  3. Users and list in Storegate

Users and list in Storegate

If you have a Multi Account with users in Storegate, you will find a list under account settings. A user can have different statuses, login methods and roles that may be useful for you to know.

  • Administrator: payment manager and full permissions. Can assign sub-users to different services and recover files from commonly discarded trash cans
  • Status: a user can be active, dormant, awaiting final registration and inactive.
  • Sub-administrator: can perform the same as admin except for account-related issues such as payment and upgrades.
  • Last logged in for all users
  • Sub-users have their own icon
  • E-mail address
  • If the account is linked/Single sign on
  • Organization users belong to
Updated on 12 April, 2024
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