Subusers can't see folder on shared files? In order for sub-users to see folders under Shared Files, they first need to be assigned permissions by the administrator of the account. Follow...
Event log Event Log Log in with the administrator account on our website Then click on the Old Man in the top right corner and select "Account Settings"....
Notifications for folders in Shared Files This article describes how to enable notifications for folders in Shared Files via the website Log in to the website
Plan folder structure in Storegate Multi This article is for you if you are an administrator of a Storegate account and you are going to set up a new folder structure....
Setting to hide the permissions dialog When you create a folder in shared files, you get a permissions dialog where you choose who gets...
Remove or disable sub-users in Storegate As the administrator of your Storegate account, you have the possibility to manage sub-users in different ways. Below we describe what happens...
Wake up dormant users If you have created dormant users in Storegate, you can wake them up together or separately. Log...
Privileged access If you have chosen to purchase the Extended Access add-on service, it is possible to generate a WebDAV password for access via...
Restricting access with IP lock If you have chosen to purchase the "Extended Access" add-on service, there is an option to restrict login to Storegate accounts based on...
Users and list in Storegate If you have a Multi Account with users in Storegate, you will find a list under account settings. A user can have different...
Reset 2-step verification If you have a user who has accidentally misplaced their recovery code or lost their phone, you can...
Storegate ID control Storegate ID Check enables you to verify the identity of the person you are talking, chatting or emailing with. The service is...
Enter description of folders or files If you wish to clarify which documents should be saved in a certain folder or if you want to specify a...
Firewall, domain and email configuration All programs and apps use port 443. If you are not in a managed work environment and do not have access...
Enable 2-step verification in Storegate 2-step verification or multi-factor authentication is a security measure that requires users to provide two forms of identification in order to gain access to...