Install Storegate Cloud Folder (Mac)


  1. Download the Storegate Cloud Folder here:
  2. Start the installation by double-clicking on the downloaded installation file
  3. Drag and drop the Storegate icon in the folder below to move the installation file to the Applications folder on your computer:
  4. Double-click the folder to go to the Applications folder on your computer. Double-click the installation file to start the installation:
  5. Click the "Open" button if this box appears:
  6. Click "Continue":
  7. Enter your username and click "Next" to enter your password. Then click on "Log in":
  8. Click on "Next":
  9. Click "Allow" if this box appears:
  10. Click on "Open System Preferences" if this box appears:
  11. Then the finder opens and Storegate Cloud Folder is connected in the left menu:


Updated on 25 May, 2021
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