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  3. Practical tips for migrating to Storegate

Practical tips for migrating to Storegate

This article is intended for those who are administrators of a Storegate account. Below we have collected tips to make the migration from an existing solution to Storegate as smooth as possible.

Things to consider before migration

  1. Decide what you want to keep. Migration requires planning. Successful Storegate customers migrate files and folders of value and archive those that are not used. Here's a good chance to clean up your organization's file storage.
  2. Think about who should have access to what. Who should be sub-administrators on Storegate. And which users should have full access to a folder and thus be able to invite other users to the folder.
  3. Choose a way to migrate. The most common methods to move files to Storegate are Storegate Cloud Folder, Upload folders via the Web interface or via WebDAV.

If you want to migrate larger volumes (> 1TB) and need more advice, please contact us.

Communicating to users

Inform all users about how the service works before inviting them to use it. Preferably through a personal briefing/training (we can help here if desired, contact us for more information).

It is also useful to have general information about how a cloud service works, for example:

  • That you must have access to the Internet to access your files (does not apply to Storegate Synk where all files are local)
  • NOT leaving files you have edited open (unsaved) locally on your computer when you are not working on them. Open files are not saved until you close them. For example, if you change networks/WIFI or the computer is put to sleep, you lose contact and need to re-save the file to get all the changes (if you forget to do this, changes may be lost).

NOTE: Don't forget to make sure that Storegate is approved in your company's firewalls and that domains are whitelisted before you start using the service. Contact us if you need a list of domains.

Setting up a new folder structure

An important step is to set the folder structure for your account. This will help make your users' lives easier. Think about how you want your end users to access the content in Storegate. See the article Planning folder structure in Storegate Multi for more information.

This is an excellent opportunity to set up security settings on your Storegate account to match your organisation's current jurisdictional and security requirements. It may also be time to consider whether the co-branding feature may be an option for your organisation.

Request access to shared files in Dropbox or Onedrive

As an administrator in Storegate and responsible for migration, you need to access all shared folders or team folders. If there are shared folders in, for example, Dropbox or Onedrive that you don't have access to, ask users to invite you to them.

How much do you want to migrate to Storegate?

You can migrate to Storegate in several ways. In most cases, we recommend using the Storegate Cloud folder. Alternatively, you can use Storegate Sync and sync files temporarily to the My Files folder on the admin account and then later move files to the correct folders in Shared Files.

For smaller migrations, it is also possible to use Folder Upload via the Web Interface or drag and drop as a logged in

Recommended migration methods based on the number of files

Keep in mind that many small files may take longer to upload than a large file. It's not always your broadband connection that determines your speed.

If you want to migrate larger volumes (> 1TB) and need more advice, please contact us.

If you want to rename files and folders

Once you know what you want to keep and migrate to Storegate, you should prepare your files and folders. Below are some things to consider:

Note: These are recommendations for a smooth experience in Storegate, not product limitations.

  1. A single folder should not contain more than 10,000 files. For best performance, have no more than 5,000 files in a folder.
  2. Folder names should not exceed 100 characters.
  3. File paths (including usernames) should be no longer than 255 characters.
  4. File and folder names cannot have leading spaces. So "_economy" must be renamed to "Economy".
  5. Some characters are not allowed in Storegate. You must first remove all special characters from the names of content you want to migrate.
  • / (slash)
  • \ (reverse slash)
  • " (citation needed)
  • | (straight line or pipe)
  • < (mindre än)
  • > (greater than)
  • : (colon)
  • ? (question mark)
  • * (asterisk)

Read more here: Why aren't all the files in my account syncing?

If you want to rename several folders and files at the same time, we recommend the Download - Bulk Rename Utility

Updated on January 16, 2024
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